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CPR: Your Superpower in Emergency Situations


Research commissioned by Cintas Corporation has led to some shocking revelations regarding Americans’ knowledge of CPR and first aid. Namely, 75% of Americans have basic first aid skills; however, only 54% can confidently perform the CPR procedure. What’s even more concerning is that 63% of US citizens don’t know how to use an AED in an emergency.

These findings point out the obvious—more awareness should be raised to avoid preventable deaths across the US, especially when the above skills can be adopted by nearly every age group.

Below, we’ll go over the CPR procedure, how it works, and how it can help you save a victim’s life. Following this all-encompassing guide, all Dallas, TX, residents will know where to turn for CPR training and certification.

CPR can be your superpower in emergency situations—we’ll now learn exactly why.

CPR: A Life-saving Technique

CPR refers to cardiopulmonary resuscitation—a life-saving technique that involves chest compressions and sometimes artificial ventilation to restore a normal heartbeat. CPR is mainly performed in cardiac arrest emergencies as well as other accidents that can lead to hypoxia, for example.

What Makes CPR Vital?

There’s a reason non-profit organizations like the American Heart Association and the Red Cross urge everyone—even kids as young as 9—to learn CPR. This resuscitation technique can make the difference between life and death.

During cardiac arrest, a slowed-down heartbeat can lead to reduced blood flow to the brain. The situation worsens when the victim loses their pulse, in which case witnesses must immediately step in and help keep the victim alive.

The longer the brain remains without oxygen, the higher the chances of permanent brain damage. In fact, permanent brain damage can occur just 4 minutes after oxygen loss, and death can come 4-6 minutes later.

To prevent a victim from suffering life-altering injuries, it’s essential to provide CPR as soon as you notice any of the below signs.

When Should You Give CPR?

Before attempting CPR, you should observe the condition of the victim. If they exhibit any of the following signs, call 911 and proceed with CPR right after:

    • The victim has suddenly passed out.

    • The victim is gasping for air or is not breathing altogether.

    • The victim doesn’t have a pulse.

What Emergencies Call for CPR?

Besides cardiac arrest, there are many instances in which you, as a bystander, can help save someone’s life. Generally, any injury, accident, or condition resulting in an interrupted heartbeat or loss of oxygen should be addressed promptly by giving CPR.

Here are some case scenarios to keep in mind:

    • Choking. Most common among children, choking accidents can lead to a lack of oxygen due to an object blocking the airway. If not immediately dislodged, it can result in death.

    • Drowning. During a drowning, the body can enter a state of hypoxia, which means a lack of sufficient oxygen in the body necessary for maintaining homeostasis. The disruption of the normal working of vital organs can lead to death if not addressed promptly.

    • Poisoning. Depending on the type of poisoning (medicine, drug, food, or alcohol poisoning), the body may display various symptoms, including interrupted breathing, dizziness, low blood pressure leading to fainting, and more. Make sure to immediately start CPR if you witness an overdose or other type of poisoning.

    • Electrocution. If you see someone that’s been electrocuted, step in immediately, call 911, and provide CPR. A person in this situation will likely have lost consciousness and won’t be breathing. CPR paired with advanced cardiac life support is the best course of action here.

    • Smoke Inhalation. A person exposed to toxic smoke may experience coughing, shortness of breath, nausea, drowsiness, and even loss of consciousness. If you notice one or more of these signs, give the victim CPR immediately.

How the CPR Technique Differs Among Age Groups

If you want to be able to help in an emergency, you must know how to choose a CPR method according to the victim’s age. When providing CPR, the technique differs for adults, children, and babies:

Adult CPR Step-by-step

If you witness an adult in cardiac arrest, here’s what you should do:

    1. Make sure the victim’s lying on a firm and flat surface. Kneel beside them and prepare for compressions.

    1. Give 30 compressions. Center both your hands on the victim’s chest and aim for a depth of 2 inches minimum. Give 100-120 compressions a minute.

    1. Give 2 breaths. Tilt the victim’s head or lift their chin to ensure their airway is in a past-neutral position. Then, pinch their nose shut and seal their mouth with your mouth, providing 1 breath that lasts for about a second. Let the air exit before proceeding with the second breath.

    1. Don’t stop CPR until you notice signs of life or until EMTs arrive.

Child and Baby CPR Step-by-step

We’ll now go over CPR for children and babies, explaining each step as we go:

    1. Place the child or baby on a firm and flat surface, kneeling beside them. For the baby, position your hips at an angle before proceeding to the next step.

    1. Give 30 compressions. For a child, place the heel of one hand on the center of their chest, and place the other hand on top. Enlace your fingers and make sure the other hand’s not touching the chest. Provide 100-120 compressions a minute with a depth of about 2 inches.

For a baby, use only your thumbs by placing them side by side on the center of their chest. Encircle their chest with your other fingers and then provide compressions using your thumbs. Aim for 100-120 compressions per minute at a depth of 1 and a half inches.

    1. Give 2 breaths. Lift the child’s chin or tilt their head to achieve a slightly past-neutral position of the airway. Do the same thing for a baby to open their airway to a neutral position. Then, blow into their mouth for about a second.

    1. Don’t stop CPR until you notice signs of life or until EMTs arrive.

Going About Learning CPR

Any contributing member of society should be able to help in life-threatening situations such as the ones we mentioned above. However, CPR won’t do much for the victim if the bystander doesn’t at least have a grasp on basic CPR.

For this reason, the AHA and Red Cross offer training courses for bystanders as well as medical persons in training, firefighters, parents, babysitters, etc. Anyone who wants to learn basic first aid is welcome to enroll in a course.

Once you’ve completed the course, you’ll get an official certificate as proof of your competence in providing CPR. The certification usually has an expiry date of 2 years, after which you’ll have to take a refresher course to extend it.

Where to Find CPR Classes?

The highest-quality classes are provided by the AHA and the Red Cross. Their CPR training centers offer separate courses for adult, child, and infant CPR, as well as BLS courses and other types of technical training.

You can also receive CPR training at a training facility in your immediate vicinity—all you have to do is use the Find a Class option provided by both non-profit organizations to search for locations of training centers in Dallas, TX.

How Much Do CPR Classes Cost?

The price of a CPR course is directly tied to the course format and level of expertise. If you’re a medical person in training, you can expect to pay significantly more, as you don’t have the option of taking an online course.

In-person classes always cost more because they involve hands-on training and face-to-face communication with an instructor. You should also factor in any commuting expenses to get a better picture of what you’ll have to pay.

Online classes can be very cheap—as low as $20. However, you’ll only come across such a low price if you only want to receive a basic level of training to be able to provide help as a bystander.

Finally, hybrid (online + offline) classes are the most expensive simply because they’re the most accommodating. Usually, the learning component is completed online, and then trainees show their acquired skills on-site in front of a certified instructor. These classes usually go for $100 and more.

CPR: Your Superpower in Emergency Situations: Final Words

Let’s do a quick recap of the main points of our CPR guide for Dallas, TX, residents seeking CPR training.

CPR is a highly-effective resuscitation method in the case of cardiac arrest, choking, drowning, and more. By giving CPR, bystanders can help keep someone alive until professional medical assistance arrives, avoiding possible permanent brain damage.

There are different CPR techniques depending on the age group—adult, child, and infant CPR. Depending on this and the type of class you want to sign up for, you may spend as little as $20 or more than $100.

Ultimately, spending a little more on a quality CPR class will one day make all the difference in someone’s life.